2.5 AMPSignal
sseth@obeaa003:~/AMPoliceV1.4n> ./ampsignal --help
usage: mpsignal [pid] [cmd [parms]]
  pid - process id of target process
  cmd - delta/status/start/quit/query/exit/tracestart/tracestop
  cmd parms - low n, high n, sample n, id x, delta/status [file]
Start  : AMPolice starts intercepting mallocs and free commands.
Quit   : AMPolice quits intercepting mallocs and free commands.
Query : Yields all current memory blocks controlled by ampolice
Exit    : Actually exits application.
Tracestart     : AMPolice will put trace information with the logged information
Tracestop  : AMPolice wont put the trace information with the logged infromation